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Showing posts from December, 2013

Sometimes They Remind Me

                                                                Part 1 So, I started a graduate program  two weeks ago.  It is something I have wanted to do for as long as I can remember.  I finally did it.  I was so excited to get started and fairly confident that I could be successful.  However, I have been struggling with the amount of technology I need to be familiar with. That part is a stretch for me.  I can do school "old school", but having everything online and all the updates and changes made to older things has really thrown me.  Any way, I was really stressed about class last Wednesday because I had submitted a paper that I knew was less than stellar.  I was frustrated that the technology that is supposedly here to make our lives easier and better wasn't, in fact, doing that for me.  As I was about to leave Sarah said to me, "Are you going to school?" Me, "Yes." "Are you so excited?" Well, I had not been excited prior to he