"Part of Their World," a song from one of my favorite Disney movies, The Little Mermaid, makes me think of the relationship I have with my growing children. Ariel collects trinkets and treasures from the human world on land and admires them. I collect photos and memories of my kids' interests and adventures. For Ariel, that is not enough; she wants legs so she can be a part of the world outside the sea. She wants to dance and walk in the sun warmed sand. Like Ariel, I look at the trinkets and activities my children collect or participate in and desire to be a part of it. The older they get the more they venture out into their own worlds without me in search of their own treasure troves. Lucky for me, I already have legs and they frequently invite me to come along. I get to do and see and learn things because of my children's interests that I would not have otherwise. Both of my boys look forward to NASA (National Auto Sport Association, n...