Renee and her girls got to spend a month in Utah. We saw them for roughly two of those weeks. Adam came for the first week, but he had to return to Alaska for work. We had all kinds of fun, zoo, aquarium, water days, sleepovers, hikes, treats, movies... Our final activities last Thursday included a hike to the "Y", lunch at LaCasita and fun at the Springville splash pad. I was very impressed with all of the kids on the hike. There was minimal whining and pretty much they were mountain goats. Abby struggled a little bit, but she is not really a whiner, she just needed a hand to hold. During the last quarter of the way up or so, Taylor had low blood sugars. We pumped him up with four capri sun drinks and took a ten minute break. The break allowed Erika to catch up with us. He slogged along for a couple of steep switchbacks, but by the time Taylor got to the top of the "Y" his BG was a robust 127. He was able to climb around and explore to his heart's c...