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Priesthood Blessings

I am grateful that I can receive Priesthood blessings. As a child my dad would give us a blessing before school started each year and when we were sick. My husband does the same for our children. When I get a new church calling a member of the bishopric gives me a blessing to give me guidance for the calling and in other areas of my life. I have asked for blessing when I have had a question or felt overwhelmed by the demands of life.

Right now I am in the overwhelmed part of needing a blessing. I have the opportunity to do many things in the next year. They are all good things, and indeed I do consider them all to be blessings, but I just hope I have the capacity to fulfill them. Motherhood alone can be too much. It is my top priority and my top choice of where I want to spend my time. Even though my kids are getting older, I do not feel like they need my time or attention any less than they did when they were younger.

I am the Primary chorister, something I love doing. I love the children, the music, and the gospel. It is perfect I get to teach children the gospel through music! It is not a very stressful calling for me, but it is a demand on my time. I am going to be the PTA president at Thunder Ridge Elementary School next year. I look forward to it, but I am a bit nervous because I haven't spend very much time in PTA in the past.

Destry and I just got asked to be in charge of the food committee for our stake's Youth Trek next July. I have already  lost sleep over this. I volunteered to help, but I wanted to be a "ma." I specifically wanted to be Taylor's "ma." I am worried about his health and life. Destry, thankfully, is really excited about this one. I usually would be, but for some reason it is really stressing me out.

I just finished taking classes to be come a Real Estate Agent. I will be taking the test in two and a half weeks. I am worried about being fully prepared and passing. I think I have found a brokerage that I would like to work at. But even when I pass the test, I know that I will have a lot more to learn. I am looking forward to this, but know that my working will be a huge transition for me and my family and I hope I can keep everything prioritized.

Lastly, I was just asked to sing a solo part for a regional fireside in South Jordan. I also auditioned for the same part for our stake's presentation of "The Lamb of God" that is presented near Easter. I had my first of only two practices tonight and I was super nervous. It is a part I have been wanting to sing for a couple of years and I am grateful for the opportunity, but am nervous because I haven't had practice time. We will be singing to recorded accompaniment, something I really don't like to do.

Now that the kids are finally settled down for the night, I am going to go get a blessing from my husband. I need the Lord's help and guidance. I am grateful that my husband holds the Priesthood so that I may ask him for a blessing. I am grateful to know that the Lord will help, guide and bless me as I turn to Him and as I do my part to serve Him and further the work in His kingdom.


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