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Sometimes I Think I'm Funny

Last week when Sarah returned from school she handed me an envelope. I opened it up and read a few words, enough words to know that the school was not happy with the number of school days she has missed this year. I have received letters like this before, so I didn't feel it was necessary to read every word. I threw it away without a third thought. My second thought was, "Hmm, I didn't realized she had missed that many days this year." 

On Friday I received an email from the now assistant principal and next year's new principal I have had a few interactions with her, but not many. I am sure she is kind and capable. I acknowledge she was just doing her job and she was doing it well. I have never been followed up with regarding the letters. She responded to my snarky, funny email in a positive and nondefensive (made up word, I know) manner. I still think my response to her first email was funny and blog worthy, so here it is along with her emails. 

Hi Mrs. Crump,  
I wanted to follow through with you regarding an attendance letter I sent home with Sarah.  I am checking to see if her absences are due to extenuating circumstances, and if there might be something we can do from the school side that might be helpful.    
Feel free to respond to this email, or call me at the school.  Our number is 801-610-8727.      
Thank you,  


Please know that my children's education is of utmost importance to me.  I also understand that attendance is key; however, if  Sarah has a fever, or is vomiting, or has conjunctivitis, or excessive coughing I keep her home so she can recuperate and to avoid spreading infection to her peers.  I am not sure what exactly you mean by "extenuating circumstances," but the things listed above are the reasons for every absence she has had. If the school side has some sort of miracle health pill that you would like to give us then that would be helpful. Other than that, I cannot think of anything.

Thank you,

Janette Crump


Hi Mrs. Crump,

Thanks so much for your response.  I can only wish I had a miracle health pill; I'm sure I would be rich!  All the issues you mentioned are definitely out of your control.  I really appreciate you taking your time to respond to my email.  And we truly appreciate your diligence in both recognizing the importance of education, and for keeping your daughter healthy.

Thanks again!      


That concludes the email exchange. But I would like to add a P.S. here:

I would like you to know that I am the mom and I take full responsibility for all aspects of my children's upbringing. School is a resource I like to use for educating them and I jump through the many hoops the system loves to set up, but ultimately you are not the boss. I am.     


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